Campaign notifications

curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
Parameters Details Description
page Optional Integer The page number that you want results from. Defaults to 1.
results_per_page Optional Integer How many results you want per page. Allowed values are: 10 , 25 , 50 , 100 , 250 , 500 , 1000. Defaults to 25.
{ "data": [ { "id": 1, "campaign_id": 1, "notification_key": "d4752d29a557a9fdc67b0a9a27cbe3b1", "name": "Email Collector", "type": "EMAIL_COLLECTOR", "settings": { ... }, "is_enabled": false, "last_datetime": null, "datetime": "2025-03-12 11:13:37" } ], "meta": { "page": 1, "results_per_page": 25, "total": 1, "total_pages": 1 }, "links": { "first": "", "last": "", "next": null, "prev": null, "self": "" } }
curl --request GET \
--url '{notification_id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
{ "data": { "id": 1, "campaign_id": 1, "notification_key": "d4752d29a557a9fdc67b0a9a27cbe3b1", "name": "Email Collector", "type": "EMAIL_COLLECTOR", "settings": { ... }, "is_enabled": false, "last_datetime": null, "datetime": "2025-03-12 11:13:37" } }
Parameters Details Description
campaign_id Required Integer -
name Optional String -
is_enabled Optional Boolean -
curl --request POST \
--url '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form 'type=INFORMATIONAL' \
--form 'is_enabled=1'
{ "data": { "id": 1 } }
Parameters Details Description
name Optional String -
is_enabled Optional Boolean -
trigger_all_pages Optional Boolean -
display_trigger Optional String Allowed values: delay, time_on_site, pageviews, inactivity, exit_intent, scroll, click, hover
display_value Optional String -
display_delay_type_after_close Optional String Allowed values: time_on_site, pageviews
display_delay_value_after_close Optional Integer -
display_frequency Optional String Allowed values: all_time, once_per_session, once_per_browser
direction Optional String Allowed values: rtl, ltr
display_continents Optional Array String -
display_countries Optional Array String -
display_languages Optional Array String -
display_operating_systems Optional Array String -
display_browsers Optional Array String -
display_cities Optional Array String -
display_mobile Optional Boolean -
display_desktop Optional Boolean -
schedule Optional Boolean -
start_date Optional String -
end_date Optional String -
display_duration Optional Integer -
display_position Optional String Allowed values: top_left, top_center, top_right, middle_left, middle_center, middle_right, bottom_left, bottom_center, bottom_right, top, bottom, top_floating, bottom_floating
display_close_button Optional Boolean -
display_branding Optional Boolean -
shadow Optional String Allowed values: , subtle, feather, 3d, layered
border_width Optional Integer Allowed values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
internal_padding Optional Integer Allowed values: 5-25
background_blur Optional Integer Allowed values: 0-30
custom_css Optional String -
hover_animation Optional String Allowed values: , fast_scale_up, slow_scale_up, fast_scale_down, slow_scale_down
on_animation Optional String Allowed values: fadeIn, slideInUp, slideInDown, zoomIn, bounceIn
off_animation Optional String Allowed values: fadeOut, slideOutUp, slideOutDown, zoomOut, bounceOut
animation Optional String Allowed values: , heartbeat, bounce, flash, pulse
animation_interval Optional Integer -
font Optional String Allowed values: inherit, Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, Tahoma, Trebuchet MS, Times New Roman, Georgia, Courier New, Monaco, Comic Sans MS, Courier, Impact, Futura, Luminari, Baskerville, Papyrus, Brush Script MT
border_radius Optional String Allowed values: straight, rounded, highly_rounded, round
notifications Optional Array Available when: type = email_collector, collector_bar, collector_modal, collector_two_modal, conversions, conversions_counter, countdown_collector, request_collector, text_feedback Notification handler ids
title Optional String Available when: type = informational
description Optional String Available when: type = informational
image Optional File Available when: type = informational
image_alt Optional String Available when: type = informational
url Optional String Available when: type = informational
url_new_tab Optional Boolean Available when: type = informational
title_color Optional String Available when: type = informational
description_color Optional String Available when: type = informational
background_color Optional String Available when: type = informational
title Optional String Available when: type = informational_mini
image Optional File Available when: type = informational_mini
image_alt Optional String Available when: type = informational_mini
url Optional String Available when: type = informational_mini
url_new_tab Optional Boolean Available when: type = informational_mini
title_color Optional String Available when: type = informational_mini
description_color Optional String Available when: type = informational_mini
background_color Optional String Available when: type = informational_mini
title Optional String Available when: type = coupon
description Optional String Available when: type = coupon
image Optional File Available when: type = coupon
image_alt Optional String Available when: type = coupon
coupon_code Optional String Available when: type = coupon
button_url Optional String Available when: type = coupon
url_new_tab Optional Boolean Available when: type = coupon
button_text Optional String Available when: type = coupon
title_color Optional String Available when: type = coupon
description_color Optional String Available when: type = coupon
background_color Optional String Available when: type = coupon
button_background_color Optional String Available when: type = coupon
button_color Optional String Available when: type = coupon
description Optional String Available when: type = live_counter
last_activity Optional String Available when: type = live_counter
url Optional String Available when: type = live_counter
url_new_tab Optional Boolean Available when: type = live_counter
display_minimum_activity Optional Integer Available when: type = live_counter
description_color Optional String Available when: type = live_counter
background_color Optional String Available when: type = live_counter
number_background_color Optional String Available when: type = live_counter
number_color Optional String Available when: type = live_counter
pulse_background_color Optional String Available when: type = live_counter
title Optional String Available when: type = conversions
description Optional String Available when: type = conversions
image Optional File Available when: type = conversions
image_alt Optional String Available when: type = conversions
url Optional String Available when: type = conversions
display_time Optional Boolean Available when: type = conversions
url_new_tab Optional Boolean Available when: type = conversions
conversions_count Optional Integer Available when: type = conversions
in_between_delay Optional Integer Available when: type = conversions
order Optional String Available when: type = conversions
Allowed values: random, descending
data_trigger_auto Optional Boolean Available when: type = conversions
data_trigger_auto_type[index] Optional Array String Available when: type = conversions
Allowed values: exact , contains , starts_with , ends_with
data_trigger_auto_value[index] Optional Array String Available when: type = conversions
title_color Optional String Available when: type = conversions
description_color Optional String Available when: type = conversions
date_color Optional String Available when: type = conversions
background_color Optional String Available when: type = conversions
conversions counter
title Optional String Available when: type = conversions counter
last_activity Optional String Available when: type = conversions counter
url Optional String Available when: type = conversions counter
url_new_tab Optional Boolean Available when: type = conversions counter
display_minimum_activity Optional String Available when: type = conversions counter
title_color Optional String Available when: type = conversions counter
background_color Optional String Available when: type = conversions counter
number_background_color Optional String Available when: type = conversions counter
number_color Optional String Available when: type = conversions counter
data_trigger_auto Optional Boolean Available when: type = conversions counter
data_trigger_auto_type[index] Optional Array String Available when: type = conversions
Allowed values: exact , contains , starts_with , ends_with
data_trigger_auto_value[index] Optional Array String Available when: type = conversions
title Optional String Available when: type = video
video Optional File Available when: type = video
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button_color Optional String Available when: type = video
title Optional String Available when: type = audio
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audio_muted Optional Boolean Available when: type = audio
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title_color Optional String Available when: type = audio
background_color Optional String Available when: type = audio
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button_color Optional String Available when: type = audio
url Optional String Available when: type = reviews
url_new_tab Optional Boolean Available when: type = reviews
reviews_count Optional missing_translation: api_documentation.integer Available when: type = reviews
in_between_delay Optional missing_translation: api_documentation.integer Available when: type = reviews
order Optional String Available when: type = reviews
title missing_translation: api_documentation.default String Available when: type = reviews
description missing_translation: api_documentation.default String Available when: type = reviews
image missing_translation: api_documentation.default File Available when: type = reviews
stars missing_translation: api_documentation.default missing_translation: api_documentation.integer Available when: type = reviews
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description_color Optional String Available when: type = reviews
background_color Optional String Available when: type = reviews
title Optional String Available when: type = emoji_feedback
thank_you_url Optional String Available when: type = emoji_feedback
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show_excited Optional Boolean Available when: type = emoji_feedback
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button_color Optional String Available when: type = score_feedback
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description_color Optional String Available when: type = informational_bar
background_color Optional String Available when: type = informational_bar
title Optional String Available when: type = informational_bar_mini
image Optional File Available when: type = informational_bar_mini
image_alt Optional Float Available when: type = informational_bar_mini
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background_color Optional String Available when: type = informational_bar_mini
title Optional String Available when: type = image
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button_background_color Optional String Available when: type = image
button_color Optional String Available when: type = image
title Optional String Available when: type = collector_bar
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thank_you_url Optional String Available when: type = collector_bar
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background_color Optional String Available when: type = collector_bar
button_background_color Optional String Available when: type = collector_bar
button_color Optional String Available when: type = collector_bar
title Optional String Available when: type = coupon_bar
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background_color Optional String Available when: type = coupon_bar
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button_color Optional String Available when: type = collector_modal
title Optional String Available when: type = collector_two_modal
description Optional String Available when: type = collector_two_modal
image Optional File Available when: type = collector_two_modal
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input_placeholder Optional String Available when: type = collector_two_modal
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agreement_text Optional String Available when: type = collector_two_modal
agreement_url Optional String Available when: type = collector_two_modal
thank_you_url Optional String Available when: type = collector_two_modal
title_color Optional String Available when: type = collector_two_modal
description_color Optional String Available when: type = collector_two_modal
background_color Optional String Available when: type = collector_two_modal
button_background_color Optional String Available when: type = collector_two_modal
button_color Optional String Available when: type = collector_two_modal
title Optional String Available when: type = button_modal
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background_color Optional String Available when: type = button_modal
button_background_color Optional String Available when: type = button_modal
button_color Optional String Available when: type = button_modal
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description Optional String Available when: type = text_feedback
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description_color Optional String Available when: type = text_feedback
background_color Optional String Available when: type = text_feedback
button_background_color Optional String Available when: type = text_feedback
button_color Optional String Available when: type = text_feedback
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categories_title_color Optional String Available when: type = text_feedback
categories_description_color Optional String Available when: type = text_feedback
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categories_links_description_color Optional String Available when: type = text_feedback
categories_links_background_color Optional String Available when: type = text_feedback
categories_links_border_color Optional String Available when: type = text_feedback
background_color Optional String Available when: type = text_feedback
title Optional String Available when: type = whatsapp_chat
agent_image Optional File Available when: type = whatsapp_chat
agent_image_alt Optional String Available when: type = whatsapp_chat
agent_name Optional String Available when: type = whatsapp_chat
agent_description Optional String Available when: type = whatsapp_chat
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header_background_color Optional String Available when: type = whatsapp_chat
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footer_button_color Optional String Available when: type = whatsapp_chat
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background_color Optional String Available when: type = whatsapp_chat
title Optional String Available when: type = contact_us
description Optional String Available when: type = contact_us
contact_email Optional String Available when: type = contact_us
contact_phone_number Optional String Available when: type = contact_us
contact_whatsapp Optional String Available when: type = contact_us
contact_telegram Optional String Available when: type = contact_us
contact_facebook_messenger Optional String Available when: type = contact_us
title_color Optional String Available when: type = contact_us
description_color Optional String Available when: type = contact_us
background_color Optional String Available when: type = contact_us
curl --request POST \
--url '{notification_id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form 'name=example' \
--form 'is_enabled=1'
{ "data": { "id": 1 } }
curl --request DELETE \
--url '{notification_id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \